Camping & Astronomy

Star Ranch

“Star Ranch” – Our Colorado Viewing Location. Elevation: 10,000 feet.


In summer we leave Arizona and head for Colorado. Our summer viewing location is on 10 wide-open, undeveloped acres at about 10,000 feet elevation in Park County, Colorado. Light pollution is virtually non-existant here.






Yes, light pollution is nonexistent. The same could be said for thermal energy. As soon as the sun goes down, the days warmth radiates into the clear night sky, leaving the landscape, telescope and observer covered in a layer of frost.




Give Us Shelter

So the ultimate plan is to turn the “Living Room Observatory” into a “Pop-Up Observatory” during the summer. We’ll just crank up the propane heater, plug the laptop computer and CCD into the camper’s 12V power supply, and we’ll be viewing in relative comfort while sipping a hot latte.



And check out the seeing!!!

4 Minute Exposure @ f/2, Fujicolor ASA 800 Film, Camera Mounted Piggyback